Branden Ladebush’s Experience in Spain

Branden Landebush's Experience in Spain - Clark University

Branden Ladebush’s Experience in Spain

Recently, one of our Clark University‘s students have completed his studies in TANDEM and left us some comments about his experience in Spain. Branden Ladebush’s testimonial:

“My experience in TANDEM was fantastic. When I arrived in Madrid, I had little experience in Spanish. After four months in TANDEM, my Spanish has improved a lot and now I am comfortable speaking Spanish. TANDEM teachers are amazing, and when I was in classes, I was very pleased and happy. I think TANDEM teachers can teach a lot while they give funny lessons. I recommend TANDEM to anyone who wants to learn Spanish very quickly in a very comfortable and pleasant atmosphere.”

Thanks to Branden and Clark University for this enriching experience, and we hope to welcome other students from Clark soon.

Branden Landebush's Experience in Spain - Clark University

Branden Landebush’s Experience in Spain – Clark University

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