
TANDEM Madrid, as one of the most prestigious Spanish schools in Spain, must be in a great location. Our school is located in the heart of Madrid, in a 19th-century mansion with exceptional architectural features. Within the so-called TRIÁNGULO DEL ARTE (Art Triangle), which encompasses the Museo del Prado, the Museo Thyssen, it is beside the Plaza de Cibeles and many other monuments and landmarks of Madrid.

Tandem Madrid Location


Location of TANDEM Spanish school

TANDEM, Escuela Internacional Madrid
Calle Marqués de Cubas, 8
28014 MADRID
Phone: (+34) 915 322 715

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TANDEM MADRID has 14 classrooms, a patio-garden, a multimedia room, WiFi, a library and an area for eating – a unique atmosphere in which to study Spanish. Classes have a limited number of pupils (max. 10) and are given in large, bright, air-conditioned and pleasant classrooms, where students will work in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Tandem Madrid terrace

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