ELE Introductory Course

ELE Introductory Course

ELE Introductory Course

Intensive introductory course to become a Spanish teacher

This course is temporarily discontinued. Please choose one of the other teacher courses available:

Would you like to work as a Spanish teacher in Spain or in another country?

In the ELE Introductory Course we provide you with the necessary basic tools to start teaching Spanish and give your professional life a new direction.

Why do this course at TANDEM MADRID?

Because we always go that little bit further. Apart from learning how to plan a lesson, manage a group of students, correcting errors, teach vocabulary, improve pronunciation, perform classroom observations and have tutorials with senior teacher/s, candidates also need to know the reality of the labour market in the country where they want to teach, as well as the different ways of finding a job. For this reason, TANDEM Madrid includes an orientation tutorial in this course, where you learn how to look for work as an ELE teacher both in Spain and abroad.

Because we also understand the need to know the material you can use in class as well as technological resources. TANDEM Madrid cooperates with different publishers, and in this course we include a session to get to know the latest in ELE textbooks.


Native and non-native persons (with a B2 level) interested in doing an initiation course in Spanish as a foreign language and without any previous training in this field.


Acquisition of the basic theoretical knowledge and first practical tools to start developing ELE teaching tasks.


This course lasts 4 weeks and consists of 60 hours (45 hours of classes + 15 hours of classroom observation and tutorials):

45 hours of classes:

1. Introduction to ELE teaching.

2. The levels of the Common European Framework and the syllabus of the Cervantes Institute.

3. From teacher-centric to student–oriented teaching: the communicative approach.

4. Structural elements of teaching: objectives, content, activities, social forms and resources.

5. The role of the teacher in the classroom.

6. Criteria of class preparation.

7. How to work listening comprehension, oral expression, reading comprehension and written expression.

8. Pedagogical grammar and communicative activities to teach grammar.

9. Creation and dynamic application of material.

10. Intercultural work.

11. Classroom dynamics.

12. New technologies and social networks in ELE teaching.

15 hours of classroom observation + tutorials

The participants of this course will observe ELE classes of different levels and realize several tasks related to these observations. They will have tutorials before or after each classroom observation.

Part of these 15 hours are also an informative session about how to look for work abroad and a presentation of teaching material organized by ELE publishers.


Please check our complete list of Spanish courses.

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