We are happy to introduce you to our online speaking club, a wonderful tool to keep on learning Spanish... 09 Jun TANDEM Cultural Program: Online speaking club cultural activities, online activity, spanish language | | 0We are happy to introduce you to our online speaking club, a wonderful tool to keep on learning Spanish...
Madrid’s traditionalMadrid is a city with an intense social life in taverns, bars and restaurants, as in most of... 25 Feb TANDEM Cultural Program: Visiting Madrid’s traditional taverns cultural activities, gastronomy, Madrid pubs, Spanish cuisine, Spanish culture, tourism | | 0Madrid’s traditionalMadrid is a city with an intense social life in taverns, bars and restaurants, as in most of...
09 Jan TANDEM Cultural Program: Exhibition 5th Centenary of the first round the world tour cultural activities, Madrid, museum, Spanish culture, tourism | | 0
03 Dec TANDEM Cultural Program: Madrid Christmas walk christmas, cultural activities, Madrid, Spanish culture, tourism | | 0
29 Nov Open-Door Days to the Spanish Congress of Deputies cultural activities, Madrid, Spanish culture, tourism | | 0
19 Nov Christmas Garden – Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid christmas, cultural activities, Madrid, tourism | | 0
05 Nov TANDEM Cultural Program: Guided tour of the “Arabic Madrid” Arabic Madrid, cultural activities, Spanish culture, tourism | | 0
Madrid, with all its centuries of history, is also a place with many stories, including some of mystery and... 30 Oct The Madrid of the Ghosts cultural activities, Spanish culture | | 0Madrid, with all its centuries of history, is also a place with many stories, including some of mystery and...
The 9th edition of Tapapiés 2019 is already confirmed and will be celebrated at the Lavapies district of Madrid.... 17 Oct Tapapiés 2019, Lavapiés district, Madrid cultural activities, gastronomy, Madrid pubs, music, Spanish cuisine, Spanish culture, Tapas | | 0The 9th edition of Tapapiés 2019 is already confirmed and will be celebrated at the Lavapies district of Madrid....
04 Oct The Masaveu Collection. Spanish nineteenth century-painting. From Goya to Modernism. art, cultural activities, Madrid, Spanish culture, tourism | | 0