Spanish Teachers Training

Spanish Teacher Training

TANDEM is a centre that, since its inception, has formed its identity from a deep interest in Spanish teachers training, innovative methods and the production of language teaching materials.

We have worked and continue to work in these fields, through the individual efforts of our team and also creating language teaching materials through our institutional participation in projects such as:

  • The Self-training Teacher Project (LINGUA)
  • The Memory Project (LINGUA)
  • The Vertex Project (LEONARDO)
  • The Action Program (LINGUA)

In addition, since 1990 we have provided Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) teacher training as part of the Lingua, Comenius and Grundtvig programs.

At TANDEM there are three equally important methodologies used in the training of Spanish teachers for ELE: these are the communicative approach alongside suggestopedia and intercultural contributions.

Academic coordinator: Queralt Vázquez

Teacher training course: Aprender con el corazón y la cabeza: enfoque humanista y neuroaprendizaje en la clase de idiomas

Aprender con el corazón y la cabeza: enfoque humanista y neuroaprendizaje en la clase de idiomas

Information and bookings


Please check our complete list of Spanish courses.


Other pages for Spanish teachers


Study Abroad Programs

TANDEM offers great international programs for teachers aiming to give their students the opportunity to study abroad in Spain and earn college credits at the same time. If you’re an university teacher and are interested in one of these programs, please contact us.

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