"Teacher of TANDEM Madrid. More about Susana Molina Gómez"
Do you like photography? Do you know Chema Madoz? He puts us in touch with a universe of objects as familiar as unknown, as familiar as strange. We invite you to meet this photographer from Madrid with the following activity. Let’s discover some of his best-known photos. And then you will know more about his professional career.
(From B1)
Chema Madoz
We are surrounded by ordinary objects that most of the times ease our life. Yet, do we know how to name these essential utensils in Spanish? Scissors, needle, hanger, switch, comb, thread, match, lock, dish drainer, envelope, mouse, belt, clothespin…
Bearing this in mind, here there are two activities that you will definitely love. First, you are going work with a set of pictures by madrilian photographer Chema Madoz, who brings us into contact with a universe of objects as familiar as unknown to us. He calls it “visual poetry”. Also, apart from enjoying and discovering these wonderful pictures, you will be asked to answer a few easy questions regarding the names of these objects. Here is a glossary that may help you to complete the first activity.
Hilo | Thread |
Aguja | Needle |
Quesera | Cheese dish |
Cerilla | Match |
Madera | Wood |
Espejo | Mirror |
Escalera | Ladder |
Corbata | Tie |
Tijeras | Scissors |
Candado | Lock |
Escurreplatos | Dish drainer |
Cucharilla | Tea spoon |
Tenedor | Fork |
Sobre | Envelope |
Percha | Hanger |
Ratón | Mouse |
Cinturón | Belt |
Pinza | Clothespin |
Second, for you to know more about Madoz, you will read a brief text about him and then answer a set of true/false questions about his life. This way, you will be able to find out how he entered the world of photography, whether he has always taken pictures of objects or if he ever photographed people, etc. Here is a glossary that will help you to fully understand the text.
Taller | Studio |
Cucharas | Spoon |
Mirillas | Spyhole |
Lupas | Loupe |
Sinfín | Endless |
Herramientas | Tools |
Ahorrar | To save |
Pretensión | Aspiration |
Brindar | To afford |
Prescindir | To get rid of |
Tener peso | To influence |
Atraer | attract |
Corte | Cut |
Arrancar | To start up |
Sencillas | Simple |
Abanico | Range |
Here is a video of a recent exhibition of his work in Madrid that you may watch after having completed the activities:
Choose the correct answer

Chema Madoz nos pone en contacto un universo de objetos tan familiares como desconocidos, tan próximos como extraños.
Puedes ver un vídeo sobre una exposición reciente en Madrid aquí:
Lee este texto donde el fotógrafo nos habla de su trabajo y elige la respuesta correcta.
Choose the correct answer