
Character Trait Descriptive Adjectives

Character Trait Descriptive Adjectives

Character Trait Descriptive Adjectives

<span>Profesor de TANDEM Madrid</span>
Autor: Francisco Fuentes Profesor de TANDEM Madrid



Nowadays, our mobile phone has become an essential part of our life. It is a handy object we definitely cannot live without. Everyday new apps are created in order to make our lives easier. Some of them wake us up in the morning, others suggest us where to eat or bring us virtually closer to our beloved ones.

Given the many options our phones available on our phones, we can personalise them with multiple applications and make them a very unique object. They are indeed similar but different to everybody else’s mobile phone. We could say that such personalisation makes our phones a virtual version of us. They can reveal our habits and interests. They certainly define us, or rather, our character. Just by looking at the range of apps we use, it can be easily told the kind of person we are.

In this activity, you are going to try to describe the character of different people.


First, find each of the adjectives listed below in the puzzle. Then, use them to describe a set of people by observing a number of screenshots showing the apps they use.

Character Trait Descriptive Adjectives – Exercise

Attention! Every set of screenshots belongs to a different person. There are three questions for every person and there is only one correct answer for every question.

Are you ready?

Choose the correct answer

Character Trait Descriptive Adjectives - Exercise

Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4

Person 5

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