Hello again! Today we are going to learn how to meet people in Spanish. One of the best things about traveling to a foreign country is to come back with news friends.
Let’s have a look to the table below, there you can find many question to start a conversation in Spanish.
This article is a continuation of the lesson about greetings in Spanish. Please check it before you continue on this lesson, so you’ll have more vocabulary.
Información personal – personal information
A: ¿Cómo te llamas? B: Me llamo… | What is your name? My name is… |
A: ¿Cuál es tu apellido? B: Mi apellido es… | What is your surname? My surname is… |
A: ¿Cómo se escribe? B: Se escribe… | How do you spell it…? You spell it… |
A: ¿Qué lenguas hablas? B: Español e inglés | What languages do you speak? Spanish and French |
A: ¿De dónde eres? B: Soy… | Where are you from? I am … |
** When talking about nationality you can choose between “soy español/a” and “soy de España”, two different structures.
Estructuras / Structures
Soy + adjective of nationality (in Spanish you don’t need to use capital letter as in English) = Soy español / española.
Soy + de + Country (in Spanish you need to use capitalized names of countries and cities) = Soy de España.
Frases útiles – Helpful phrases
A: ¿Cómo se dice…?
B: Se dice…
(How do you say…?
You say…)
A: ¿Puedes repetirlo…?
(Can you repeat it…?)
A: ¿Como se deletrea?
(How do you spell it?)
Spanish survival kit about personal information
¡Vamos a practicar! Let’s practice!
Look at the picture below. What questions would you make to get this information?
What happens when we want to get information about a third person? To speak about other people in Spanish, we are going to use this questions. As you know, Spanish language uses different verbal forms depending on the person, so we have a verbal form for each pronoun (yo, tú, él / ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos / ellas). Have a look at the following structure and compare with the one before? Can you see which forms are different?
Para hablar de otras personas (talking about other people):
A: ¿Cómo se llama?
B: Se llama…
A: ¿De dónde es?
B: Es… / Es de…
A: ¿Cuál es su apellido?
B: Su apellido es…
A: ¿Qué lenguas habla?
B: Habla…
Llamarse | Ser | Hablar | |
yo | Me llamo | Soy | Hablo |
tú | Te llamas | Eres | Hablas |
él ⁄ ella | Se llama | Es | Habla |
Nosotros | Nos llamamos | Somos | Hablamos |
Vosotros | Os llamáis | Sois | Habláis |
ellos / ellas | Se llaman | Son | Hablan |
To finish the lesson we are going to analyze these verbs. We have already used them to ask for personal information. As you can see, Spanish language uses conjugations, and depending on the person (pronoun) we use a given verbal form.
In this case, we have three types of verbs:
Regular verbs such as “hablar”: this type of verbs use a given structure known as conjugation that repeats in this type of verbs. Irregular verbs like “ser”, these types do not follow any rule. You must learn them by heart. Reflexive verbs like “llamarse”: You need a reflexive pronoun to conjugate them. Don’t panic, we will study them one by one in the following lessons :-).