Sports in Spain

Deporte España

The challenge we bring you today is to learn Spanish through sports, a stimulating challenge that you will face through our different articles about Spanish sports and the most outstanding personalities of the sports scene in our country. We hope to awaken the excitement and curiosity of those in whose lives sport already occupies a very important place…

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There are many ways to understand sports. Most people think of it as a set of practices of mandatory fulfilment to reach certain aesthetic promises. Others, on the other hand, think of it as a form of collective physical discharge. However, sport goes much further. It is a way of life, a way of setting challenges and overcoming ourselves day by day, a way of learning basic and fundamental values while practicing what we are passionate about. In short, sport is life energy.

As it is well known, Spain is a global benchmark in sports. “La Roja”, as the Spanish national football team is named, is a national symbol that has crossed borders and continents, that has united generations and that has given hope back to the old idea of what a team should be. However, despite this, we can’t just talk about football. Spain shows greatness in many disciplines, such as badminton, canoeing, athletics, taekwondo, swimming, basketball and artistic gymnastics. The success relies on concepts that, once they are put into practice, have no limits. Values such as consistency, collective effort, emotional development, responsibility, humility, and dignity, among others, bring many priceless benefits to society.

Many of our elite athletes are icons and models of success who contribute to social transformation in and out of sports. For example, many personalities in the field of sports carry out several social projects which aim for the inclusion of disadvantaged social groups.

What a great opportunity sports give us to hope! We all dream and hope that our goals in sports become real. This creates smiles, hugs, cheers, jumps, songs, and eventually, much joy. So if everything surrounding sports is positive, how can it not be a great vehicle to learn Spanish!

In this section, we want to give you information about everything surrounding the world of sports, paying special attention to sports in Spain. From the most breaking news to the oldest interesting facts, the sensitive anonymous stories, the achievements that inspire us and everything that sport has to offer. In addition, we will test our vocabulary, learn new words and expressions and adopt the game as a learning tool.


Did you know that…?

david-cal.jpg El español con el mayor número de medallas en los Juegos Olímpicos es el piragüista David Cal, de Pontevedra, con 5 medallas.

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