Susana Molina Gómez

About: Susana Molina Gómez

Susana Molina Gómez
  • Role : Head of Marketing and Promotion
  • Website :
  • Experience : +15 years
  • Specialist in : Spanish teachers training

Head of Marketing and Promotion

Teacher in all Spanish courses and Head of Marketing and Promotion at TANDEM MADRID, specialised in the training of Spanish language teachers at TANDEM.

Courses given

Intensive and regular Spanish courses of all levels, one to one classes in companies, teacher training courses, tutor for teachers on work experience programs.

Who am I?

As a teacher, I am someone with a great deal of motivation for my work and I try to be always improving myself, I´m close to my students in the courses I am involved in, and above all, I love to organise in the language exchanges, where more and more people sign up every day. Our exchanges are something that distinguishes us from other schools and working in this spirit, I represent TANDEM.

Another facet of my work that I enjoy is to work on writing educational material, recently having co-authored the learners guide NUEVO PRISMA B2 with David Isa.


Academic Qualifications

2007 2008Master´s in Spanish Language Teacher Training. University of Alcalá de Henares
2001 2002CAP, Course in Educational Adaptation. Complutense University, Madrid.
1996 2001Graduate in Spanish Literature. Autónoma University, Madrid.


English, B2
French, B2


Specialised Training in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

November 2015Accreditation Module for Tutors of the AVE Global. Instituto Cervantes. 5 hours.
Training for tutors of teachers in early stages of work experience. Teacher Training Department of the Instituto Cervantes. 20 hours.
April 2014Workshop attended: “The design of classroom materials: a collaborative process” given by Agustín Garmendia.
March 201415th Conference on Practical Issues Facing Spanish Teachers, IH Madrid and Edinumen. Workshop given: “Drama Activities in our everyday classrooms: lose the fear of speaking Spanish”
2012 – 2013Accreditation course for Examiners of DELE C1-C2 and DELE B1-B2, FEDELE-Instituto Cervantes
February 2012Tutor in the Virtual Spanish Classroom (AVE), Instituto Cervantes, course of 30 hours
November 2011Comprofes, delegate at the World Congress of Spanish Teachers held at the Instituto Cervantes, 21 – 23 November, 2011
July 2011Drama-based games in the Spanish learners classroom: a useful tool to develop communicative skills, 10 h. International University of Menéndez Pelayo.
December 2010First International Language Conference: Translation, Technology and Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning, National University of Ireland, Galway. Presenting: “Teaching Methodologies for the teaching of a second language: working towards a more meaningful and self-sufficient learning experience”
November 2010New approaches in the teaching of grammar and lexis. Duration 25 hours. FEDELE
June 2010Development of the student´s profile as an independent learner. Duration 12 hours. Instituto Cervantes-FEDELE
March 2010International Web Congress on Intercultural Issues and Education, Organised by Fundación Comillas, AECID and the Instituto Cervantes
Design and Production of the Timetable and the Educational Unit, University of San Jorge, Online course, equivalent to 101 hours
September 200920th International Congress of ASELE, Comillas University, Santander
February 2009“China, the new challenge in the learning of Spanish as a foreign language”. Duration: 8 hours. Enforex, Madrid with Edinumen publishers
September 200819th International Congress of ASELE, Cacéres University Cáceres,
December 2008Training course with accreditation for examiners of DELE. Duration: 30 hours. Instituto Cervantes, Madrid
November 2007The teaching of Spanish as a new language for Morrocan immigrants. Duration: 10 hours. Instituto Cervantes, Madrid
July 2007Training course for Teachers of Spanish as a foreign language. Duration: 40 hours. ADES
April 2007Workshop: Cinema as educational material in the classroom for foreign learners of Spanish. Duration: 5 hours. Instituto Cervantes, Dublín
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