About: Queralt Vázquez Carrasco

- Role : Teacher
- Website : https://old.tandemmadrid.com
- Experience : Over 20 years
- Specialist in : Spanish for Specific Purposes
Spanish courses, DELE and Specific Purposes.
Courses taught
Intensive Spanish courses, Spanish courses for groups Spanish for Exams (DELE, CCSE), Spanish courses for Specific Purposes: Business, Financial, Legal …… Teacher Training, Examination official DELE A1-A2, B1-B2 DELE, DELE C1-C2
How I am?
I am fortunate to work in what I like and I work in the best school. This makes me face each day with enthusiasm, energy and dedication. The school has a great team that creates the best atmosphere in our classes. We could say we are a little big family built by our students, teachers, managers and administrative staff and marketing.
After 17 years at TANDEM International School, every day I learn something new from my students and my team.