About: Cristina Fernández

- Role : Teacher
- Website : https://old.tandemmadrid.com
- Experience : Over 25 years
- Specialist in : Spanish
Cristina is a graduate in Spanish Language and Literature, and has taught Spanish since 1990. She currently works here in TANDEM, Escuela Internacional¸ as well as the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, where she teaches Spanish to foreign exchange students. In 2001, she worked at Clark University (in Massachusetts, USA). One of her proudest achievements in this field is that since 1991, she has given language courses to help immigrants integrate into Spanish society. In this aspect of her career, she has worked with adults and children, exploring new methods and creating materials which facilitate language learning for her students. She has worked with the Teacher Training Network of Madrid, and thanks to this, she has trained as a socio-educational mediator. In 1992, she published ‘ENTRE TODOS’, a method for teaching Spanish in secondary education, which is essentially based on a cooperative method. She is a founding member of ASILIM (The Association for the Linguistic Integration of Immigrants in Madrid). She has also participated in various conferences and training courses.