About: Begoña Llovet Barquero

- Role : Teacher and Director
- Website : https://old.tandemmadrid.com
- Experience : Over 35 years
- Specialist in : Spanish and German
Director and teacher
Hi there! My name is Begoña and I’m the founder and co-director of TANDEM Escuela Internacional. I’m graduated in German philology, a teacher trainer and an expert in Neurolinguistics. I’m also a translator (German – Spanish, of books such as ‘Momo’ of Michael Ende) and co-author of Spanish language manuals for foreigners including “Planet@”, “Sol y Sombra” and “Pasaporte E/LE”. One of my best experiences as a teacher was my volunteering in Anantapur (India) with the Fundación Vicente Ferrer for 4 months in 2018, working as a teacher at the Professional School of Foreign Languages. I strongly believe that languages can change the world and give opportunities to people. From July 2020 I am President of FEDELE (Federación de Escuelas de Español, Lengua Extranjera en España). I am very proud of TANDEM and its team, we all do a wonderful work and we are passionate about languages and learning. I love nature and to share time with my family.