- All of the host families are excited to have you in their homes.
- When you arrive, make yourself at home and unpack your suitcase. You will receive a house key.
Types of families and homes
- Single parent.
- Traditional families with two parents and children.
- Older women who live alone.
- Retired couples.
- All of the families in Madrid live in flats that are small to medium size. No one lives in a stand-alone house.
“Spain is different”
You may notice that in the Spanish home:
- Spaces are smaller.
- No clothes dryers.
- Air-conditioning not common.
- Smaller furniture.
- Smaller refrigerators.
- Once a week the lady of the house will wash your sheets and towels.
- The cleanliness of the room is your responsibility.
Those Crazy Foreigners!
It may be odd for Spaniards that some foreigners:
- Sleep on top of the covers.
- Do not open windows or doors to air out their rooms.
- Spend a lot of time in their bedrooms.
- Go barefoot and do not wear slippers in the house.
- Breakfast and dinner are provided. Lunch is on your own.
- Speak with your host to set a time for dinner.
- If you are not going to be home, let your family know.
- Talk with your host about what you can and cannot eat.
- If you have to or want to eat special ingredients and food, you must buy them.
- Your host wants to know you! (don’t be shy or let your lack of Spanish get in the way. That’s why you are here).
- Mention your plans regularly (you are an adult, but they will worry about you).
- Ask before inviting guests over.
- Tell them if you are feeling ill (they can help get you to the doctor if you need to).
- You have your own set of keys to the house. Make sure to take care of them (if you lose, you are responsible to replace the keys and locks – and it might be expensive).
- The washing machine is included, so you can do your laundry once a week, but ask before using it.
- There is no curfew, but respect that there people sleeping. Please be quiet when you come home at late hours.
Last note
We hope you have a wonderful stay and experience with us at TANDEM. If you have any questions or comments, just talk to Reception when you come to class.