CCSE nationality exam

Certificado Centro ELE Seguro

TANDEM MADRID is a centre accredited by the Cervantes Institute for the examination and preparation of the CCSE exam (Constitutional and Socio-cultural Knowledge of Spain), required to obtain Spanish nationality.

Online Registration


Passing this test demonstrates an understanding of the Spanish Constitution and the social-cultural situation and is a legal necessity to obtain Spanish nationality.

Candidates of any nationality who have full legal status and are at least 18 years old can take the CCSE test.

For more information:

The Constitutional and Socio-cultural Knowledge of Spain test (CCSE) is taken on the last Thursday of each month, at two possible times – at 18.00 and at 20.00. Candidates must present themselves at the location indicated by TANDEM Madrid at least one hour before the starting time of the exam.

There are no CCSE test dates in the months of August and December.

You can find more information about the inscription process at


CCSE applicationExam datesRegistration
JANUARY23/01/2024 – 25/01/2024

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

FEBRUARY27/02/2024 – 29/02/2024

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

MARCH19/03/2024 – 21/03/2024

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

APRIL23/04/2024 – 25/04/2024

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

MAY28/05/2023 – 30/05/2023

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

JUNE25/06/2024 – 27/06/2024

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

JULY23/07/2024 – 25/07/2024

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

SEPTEMBER24/09/2024 – 26/09/2024

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

OCTOBERDate on hold

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

NOVEMBERDate on hold

Literate Applicants

Illiterate Applicants

info CCSE 01
info CCSE 02
info CCSE 03

TANDEM Madrid has many places available for each exam, in both the 18.00 and 20.00 sittings. You are sure to find a place with us.

The inscription price for the CCSE exam is 85 euros. The price is the same wherever the exam is taken and is revised on a yearly basis. Payment is made directly to the Cervantes Institute with your online application.
Inscription to the CCSE exam allows you take the exam for a second time if you do not pass the test on the first occasion or if you were unable to attend the first exam date. In such a case, the candidate must present themselves at the same examination centre for their second exam date within 18 months of the original inscription.

You can take the exam at our premises right in the centre of Madrid which are easily accessible by metro, bus, train and there are also many car parks in the area.


At TANDEM Madrid!

At TANDEM we will register you for the exam free of charge. Come to our offices from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 8:00 pm and we will help you to register and pay.

Preparation for the CCSE exam

CCSE courses

Preparation course for CCSE 1 day per week

Course start datesWe recommend that you start your course at least 4 weeks before the date of the exam which you are going to take.
ClassesOne-to-one or 2-people
Timetable1 day per week (3 hours of classes per day with a break of 15 minutes)
Two options: Friday afternoons (18.00 – 21.15)
Saturday mornings (10.00 -13.15)
DurationFrom 1 hour
Inscription fees30 euros, this includes: support service for inscriptions to the CCSE test; course material; a welcome folder; internet and WIFI access.


Number of classesPrice (Euros)
1h, 1 to 140 €
1h, 2-people50 €

Need help?

Contact us for a personal counselling. Our staff will help you to find the perfect course for you.

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