The online course “Learning with the heart and the head”, by TANDEM Madrid, finalist of the FECEI TOP awards

Premios FECEI Tandem Madrid 2019

The online course “Learning with the heart and the head”, by TANDEM Madrid, finalist of the FECEI TOP awards

The 2nd edition of this training course for language teachers (English, Spanish, German, French …) is now ready. Are you going to sign up?

“For me this course has been like that book that we are reading and enjoying and don’t want to end”.

“It is not easy for an online course to have so much personality”.

“It’s a different course from the ones I’ve done in the past. I think it has been a very interesting reflection of oneself, not only as a teacher but also as a person “

These are just some of the positive testimonies of the students from the first edition of the ““Learning with the heart and the head, neuro-learning in the classroom”” course for training language teachers, held in the virtual classroom of TANDEM ESCUELA INTERNACIONAL. The course was so successful that it has been chosen as a finalist of the FECEI TOP 2019 AWARDS..

FECEI (Spanish Federation of Language Teaching Centers) organizes these awards to highlight examples of good practices within the sector. The category in which TANDEM has been nominated is “Good Teaching Methodology / Customer Satisfaction”. In this online course, led by Begoña Llovet and Birgit Berghoff, with the coordination of Javier Llano, we work on the contributions of humanistic methods for learning and teaching foreign languages ​​(English, French, Spanish, German …). Specifically, we pay attention to methods such as Sugestopedia or Neurolinguistic Programming, and other holistic approaches that see students as global beings, endowed with affectivity, creativity and different types of intelligence and learning styles .In addition, we review the conception of teaching, and we focus on a positive approach, facilitating learning that serves to overcome the psychological barriers and prejudices that exist, both in teachers and learners.

Having reached the final of these awards is “a real stimulus” for Begoña Llovet, director of TANDEM Madrid: “Learning with your heart and your head is the culmination, in an online format, of a project of more than 30 years in which we have developed in different scenarios and with different people the holistic, affective approach, now called neurolearning. For me it is a great satisfaction to see how it has arrived in the online world with freshness, heart and affection. This final of the FECEI awards is a stimulus to continue and to consider that there is always time to embark on new adventures.”

“When things are done with love, you can feel it”

Here are some of the final reflections of the students of the first edition of “Learning with the heart and the head”:

“My congratulations to the person who gave it this title. The modules seemed very well structured with their videos and audios, they have been very pleasant; they have led me to reflect and meditate on how I do my classes, what things I should change, improve … Search for the best way of learning, where my students feel excited, motivated … The course has given me valuable material for me to apply in my classes with my students and personally it has been great for me. I have to thank all the team and especially Birgit, Begoña and Javier. Thank you for being such good communicators. ”

~Elena Hernández

“Someone told me once that when things are done with affection, that affection is felt, and in this course you notice the love, sensitivity and dedication that you have put in. This course has been for me like that book that we are reading and enjoying and we don’t want to end. I found it very good because it has allowed me to know that I have to look for ways to make my classes more effective with a better knowledge of what I should look for at each moment and stop to observe myself and observe others. I want to thank Javier, Birgit, Alicia and Begoña, for their enormous dedication both in the planning of the course and in its development. Thank you also for always being available, for your comments and contributions, thank you very much for thinking about offering us this course and doing it so well “.

~Begoña Márquez

“THANK YOU Birgit, Begoña and Javier, I believe that with these weeks you have planted in me a seed of important self-reflection that has taken me and will lead me to include many of the ideas that you have generously given us in this course. I think the arrangement of modules and their programming has been very successful. About the timings, I prefer eight weeks and enjoy them being short, and having to see everything you wanted to teach us overwhelmed. I would not change anything, really. I have learnt from you, from the programmed content and from the contribution of my classmates, and I have a tremendous amount of ideas. THANK YOU”.

~Lola Fabián

“The course has been very interesting for me, it has made me reflect on my own classes (and this is great, as you start teaching and keep going and sometimes don’t even stop to think about what you’re doing and how) and it has awakened in me the curiosity to continue researching and training on issues such as NLP, multiple intelligences, mindfulness and how they can help me improve my work and personal life … And now I can create beautiful mind maps for my classes! Thanks for that too. ”

~Mila de la Cruz

“It’s a different course from the ones I’ve done in the past. I think it has been a very interesting reflection on oneself, not only as a teacher but also as a person. I think that the course title of learning with the heart and with the head could be replaced by “learning with the heart”. Or at least I’ve seen it like that. For me it has been something like seeing what other things we learn that we did not know we do. ”

~Mikel Gavari

“This course has been a great learning experience. First, on a personal level. It has made me reflect on how I am, how I teach and how I learn. I enjoyed seeing how, intuitively, I have tried to put into practice certain methodologies that I have now seen have a foundation behind them. I also took a lot of ideas from my classmates and tutors. ”

~Mayra Bercianos

“It is not easy to get an online course, without personal contact, to show so much personality “. Of this course not only do I take an increase of my knowledge but also a personal emotional transformation and therefore it has been a great enrichment “.

~Águeda Gutiérrez

“Aprender con el corazón y la cabeza”, 2019/ 2020 edition

The next edition of the language teacher training course “Aprender con el corazón y la cabeza” is ready:

  • Starting dates for individual modalities: any day of the year. (8 weeks duration).
  • Starting dates for the group modality: September 14, 2020 (8 weeks duration).
  • Course lenght: 60 hours

Modalities and Fees

Individual without tutor Individual with tutor In group with tutor
50 € + 30 € for diploma issuing (optional). 50 € + 250 € by the guidance of the tutor. Diploma included. 100 €. Minimum group size for the course: 10 students. Diploma included.
You do the course only by reading the comments of other people who did it before. You will take the course with a TANDEM Madrid tutor, with whom you will maintain a dialogue about the contents of the course through the forums. You will take the course with a group of teachers (at least 10 people) and a TANDEM Madrid tutor.


Sign up now

This article is also available in Spanish.

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