Group from the Aalborghus Gymnasium, October 2016

Aalborghus Gymnasium, October 2016

Group from the Aalborghus Gymnasium, October 2016

Aalborghus Gymnasium, October 2016

Last October, 2016, we received a warm group of students of the Aalborghus Gymnasium, located in Aalborg, Denmark. The students were guided by the teacher Janne Plauborg, who sent us a nice testimonial from Ida, one of the students:

Attending classes in the language school Tandem really improved my comprehension and general understanding of the Spanish language. I improved my ability to speak and ask questions in Spanish, and the teachers were very nice and were able to make the whole experience enjoyable and understandable. I do not regret attending the school and I would really recommend it to anyone looking for different Spanish courses that you can use out in the real world.

Aalborghus Gymnasium, October 2016, yard

Our thanks to the students (specially Ida for this nice testimonial), Janne and to the entire team of Aalborghus Gymnasium who made possible this visit so enjoyable. We hope to see you again soon at TANDEM Madrid!

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