Madrid Gourmet: restaurants and other ways to taste the city

Madrid gourmet, Madrid restaurants

Madrid Gourmet: restaurants and other ways to taste the city

Madrid gourmet, Madrid restaurants

Madrid is an enchanting destination to visit in Spain. A favorite part of the culture for tourists and locals alike is the cuisine. In fact, world travelers frequently rate Madrid as one of the world capitals of trying new gourmet tastes. Wonderful restaurants abound in exquisite spots when it comes to Spain and especially in Madrid. Typical dishes sometimes consist of hearty dishes, which keep people warm in the cold months. Then during the summer tapas and wines are high cultural favorites. They consist of many small tastes similar to that of an appetizer. Food in Spain is a pastime. It draws people in and gives them something to talk about in public and pretty much anywhere.

First let’s explore some of the restaurants of Madrid. Eating is not just a necessity but a social nuance that is enjoyed by everyone of every age group. There are hundreds of restaurants in Madrid, and it would be impossible to review all of them on a single article, so I’ll just talk about some of my favorite ones.

A prime place to eat is Santceloni where all the five senses are used. Some leading entries include crispy pork ear with fried chick peas, fennel and barbecue sauce, smoked roe deer loin, mackerel loins of cauliflower and caviar. Think modern and cultured in the Spanish heritage. Most selections are easy minded with a small variety of added flavors. Their food is always paired with wine and often something you can easily construct with uncomplicated elegance. Chicken, fish and pork but not much in the way of red meat which is a mainstay also in the American cuisine. Soups that show up with fruity not savory flavors are often offered and at times cold. Spain in a bold change from other cultures.

Try restaurant DiverXo, a unique mix of art meeting popular new cuisine, if you’re able to book it. Your plate becomes a canvass in, a tasty one. It has been recently awarded with a 3 stars Michelin rating (3 forks), the only one in Madrid right now. This is a unique place often represented by videos and truly takes on a whole new perspective when it comes to food. It is not just ok but an experience. So your senses will be tested and used in tasting a full on dining experience much different from those you find in the states. Eating is a thrill to look forward to too. Madrid also has other five 2 stars Michelin restaurants.

Another place I like is called La Tragantua, which is a 4.7 star rated restaurant place thought of for it traditional yet evolved food. Delights of brie cheese with tomato jam and jalapeno, warm spinach and mushroom confit. Steak tartar and beef tenderloin adorn the menu here along with Fresh meats, many red meats on the menu but also fish and pork. The senses are tantalized with hearty fresh food. You will feel healthier just eating the food.

They have tapas and wine tours consisting of hours going from regional place to localized place enjoying the scenery, sipping wine and enjoying palate pleasing trips. 13 different types of tapas which are small portions of a variety of foods are offered. Something most diners truly enjoy a sampling of many instead of a huge plate of one. These often last as long as three hours and provide unique gastronomy enjoyment. Let yourself experience food that shares the senses and not just the palette.

Madrid cuisine is a fantastical experience that must never realize they have a chance at trying. The idea of trying foods from a very relaxed, enjoyable and social culture where walking is often the main form of transportation. It is a pleasure to allow one to experience such a sense driven dining experience. Madrid is the place to visit for many reasons, and also a place to be tasted.

Suggestion: if you want to experience Madrid’s gastronomy and learn Spanish at the same time, try our Spanish course with a passion for gourmet cooking.

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