Tandem Madrid Sponsors the Student Spanish Film Contest of the Swedish School Malmö Borgarskola

Spanish film contest Malmo Bogarskola 01

Tandem Madrid Sponsors the Student Spanish Film Contest of the Swedish School Malmö Borgarskola

As every year, the department of Spanish of the prestigious Swedish school Malmö Borgarskola, led by Professor CARLOS CEA, have organized an interesting Spanish short film competition. The students of the last courses, in small groups, had to create a script, find locations, record and interpret all the scenes in Spanish. Thus they put into practice all the knowledge acquired during the course in a communicative context created by themselves. The result was an impressive series of short thematic varied, from plots with crimes and police frame up to scripts that impinged on topics such as bullying and homosexuality.

The director of TANDEM, Begoña Llovet accompanied by the marketing manager Mercedes Guerrero, participated as a juror in the selection of the winning film and the title of best actor and best actress and did award ceremony in the school auditorium. Since both the Spanish level of the students and the quality of the films was extraordinary, it was very difficult to choose the winning film. Finally, after much deliberation, the winning film was EL DESTINO. The project participants of this film were granted with an intensive Spanish course in TANDEM MADRID, including accommodation.

EL DESTINO, winner of the Spanish Film Contest

This is a short film about a young couple that becomes involved in a plot of suspense, which develops into a psychological thriller where the background is a reflexion on the link between the fate of some people and the calculator mind of others. Despite being a film made by students, it has a good quality screenplay that absorbs us from beginning to end. It could be the basis for a longer film that would be as entertaining as this one.

We do not want any spoilers in this article, so you better watch the full on YouTube, it certainly will surprise you.


And you, do you believe in fate? We’d love to know your opinion about the film in the comments below. Below there are some photos of the event.

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