Lara Davies about her experience in TANDEM and Madrid

lara davies

Lara Davies about her experience in TANDEM and Madrid

Learning Spanish in Madrid with Tandem is an experience quite unlike any other; there´s no better place to experience the culture and speak the language than in the capital of Spain itself!


Being confronted with a routine that seems, to most Spanish people, mundane is something thrilling to a foreign student. The streets are littered with small stalls; the smell of chocolate con churros and jamón ibérico wafts through the streets. Therefore, is clear that a Tandem experience isn´t solely about monotonously repeating grammatical exercises, but learning the language through experiencing the culture and the daily norms of the Spanish people, both by going on one of the many cultural excursions on offer, or just by staying at a host family´s apartment in the city.

Spanish isn´t just a language, but a different way of life, and through the cultural excursions at Tandem, in addition to the lessons, it is possible to see Spanish in a completely different light.


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